HomeArchitecturewallmakers makes use of 1,425 discarded tires lined in wilderness sand for...

wallmakers makes use of 1,425 discarded tires lined in wilderness sand for sharjah triennial pavilion 

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The 3-Minute Corridor pavilion by WallMakers


The 3-Minute Corridor pavilion, designed by WallMakers focuses on tackling global waste concerns through material reuse. Displayed at the Sharjah Architecture Triennial until March 10, 2024, in line with the event’s theme, The Beauty of Impermanence: An Architecture of Adaptability, the pavilion illustrates the substantial amount of daily waste and the potential to transform these materials into practical living spaces. Comprising 1,425 discarded tires, the pavilion sheds light on the staggering scale of human-generated waste, approximately 684,931 tires daily, the quantity discarded globally in just a brief three-minute stroll through the passageway. This structure repurposes tires sourced from Sharjah’s waste facilities, pairing them with locally abundant desert sand, often overlooked in construction.

wallmakers uses 1,425 discarded tires coated in desert sand for sharjah triennial pavilion 
all images by WallMakers



Building Sustainability in Arid Environments


The pavilion demonstrates the durability and reliability of these materials by using mud plaster creatively, presenting a viable alternative amid the current shortage of building resources. The fusion of these materials results in a modified form of masonry that not only symbolizes a commitment to reusing discarded resources but also guarantees a thermally insulated interior, providing a cooler space within the desert environment. WallMakers‘ design demonstrates the potential for creating buildings in arid regions using locally available materials that naturally regulate temperature, highlighting a sustainable construction approach that eliminates the need for active cooling systems.

wallmakers uses 1,425 discarded tires coated in desert sand for sharjah triennial pavilion 
the pavilion addresses global waste concerns through material reuse

wallmakers uses 1,425 discarded tires coated in desert sand for sharjah triennial pavilion 
the structure utilizes 1,425 discarded tires dressed in mud plaster

wallmakers uses 1,425 discarded tires coated in desert sand for sharjah triennial pavilion 
mud plaster highlights durability in sustainable construction

wallmakers uses 1,425 discarded tires coated in desert sand for sharjah triennial pavilion 
exploring innovative uses of discarded materials in architecture



project info:


name: 3-Minute Corridor pavilion

architects: WallMakers

christina petridou I designboom

jan 11, 2024

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